Schoenherstellingen, lederverzorging & lederaccessoires
  • T 057/ 20 54 93
  • Ma, dond, vrij: 9u - 12u ,14u- 18u & zat: 9u - 16u. di en woe gesloten

About Our Company

Company Partners

  • team-01
  • Angelica Michaelangelo   

    Co-founder and owner

    This is dummy text of the Everything theme. Let me present a key concept of the theme options: most settings can be set globally, but you can additionally customize them for selected part of your site.


  • team-02
  • Eleonor Da Vinci   

    Co-founder and owner

    This is dummy text of the Everything theme. Let me present a key concept of the theme options: most settings can be set globally, but you can additionally customize them for selected part of your site.

Office stuff

  • team-03

    Paola Picasso   

    Head Office Manager

    This is dummy text of the Everything theme. Let me present a key concept of the theme options: most settings can be set globally, but you can additionally customize them for selected part of your site.

  • team-04

    Fred Kahlo   

    Senior Office Manager

    This is dummy text of the Everything theme. Let me present a key concept of the theme options: most settings can be set globally, but you can additionally customize them for selected part of your site.

  • team-05

    Wendy Allen   

    Junior Office Manager

    This is dummy text of the Everything theme. Let me present a key concept of the theme options: most settings can be set globally, but you can additionally customize them for selected part of your site.

  • The Mission

    The most important thing is good flow. Our mission is to make your work easier. Our themes are very intuitive, so you achieve goals faster. The President

  • The Goal

    First off, really excellent work on the theme.. one of the best Theme Options panels Ive yet seen.

    We've made it!

Our clients

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made by Strong-IT